Wednesday, January 2, 2013

illustration - stephen mackey

Mackey describes his own work as densely painted and highly 
mannered.  He seeks perfection in each of his pieces and wants 
them to seem stumbled upon, organic, natural.  I think he's
achieved his goal.  Most of his work does look like a snapshot
of a story, like you turned the corner and found this strange
thing waiting.  His work also makes me think of a perpetual
Wonderland, only for adults.  It's beautiful, melancholy, a bit
off pitch in a haunting way(Via the Extra Finger)

On another note, I've posted before about how Ray Bradbury
advises writers to make word lists of the things that make you
drunk on life - nouns coupled with verbs or adjectives that give 
you this special feeling, a feeling that you can then 
communicate to readers in a story.  Mackey's list of precious  
feelings is as follows:
1. Scotch and water
2. The seashore and glockenspiels (like xylophones)
3. Sunlight on rough seas
4. Rose-flavored things and coffee
5. Around-the-house clothes  

 Hopefully you've been keeping your list up too. 

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